So as to discover Madagascar in every nook and cranny while immersing yourself into the Malagasy atmosphere and culture, several means of local transport are available, whether inside or outside the cities. Bush taxis, trains, and urban transports will help you to easily explore Madagascar, while enjoying its grandiose landscapes.
Bush taxis of Madagascar
The bush taxis of Madagascar are essential on the roads, whatever the destination you want to reach. These inter-urban collective taxis can carry between 6 to 15 passengers depending on the model (Sprinter or Trafic). You will find them in the dedicated stations in each town of the island.
Urban transports in Antananarivo
Antananarivo and its periphery have a very dense network of public transport, but are not always very accessible to tourists. For your city trips, we recommend you to use taxis which are recognizable by their cream color and lantern.
Getting around by train in Madagascar
The Madagascar railway lines are more reserved to the transports of goods than people. Only two lines are opened to travelers: the Fianarantsoa-Manakara on the Fianarantsoa East Coast network, and the Moramanga-Tamatave in the East. If you are traveling in a group, Madarail has two attractive offers: the TransLemurie Express and the Micheline.