fleur roses plantes endémiques madagascar

World Trave Wards Indian

Considered by all scientists as a nature sanctuary Madagascar has a rich and varied endemic flora. Here grow unique species. There are now more than 19 000 endemic species, for example the flora of Madagascar counting more than 1000 orchids.

An incomparable plant richness

History of the flora of Madagascar

Madagascar is particular for having very fertile lands where everything can grow. The island comprises 80% to 90% of endemic species among all the listed plants. Because of its isolated location in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar has many species of plants and animal thrive. The level of endemism is such that there are no fewer than twelve entire families of plants present on the island. This endemic biodiversity is also due to a variety of climates : from the most arid regions to the moisture saturated regions.
The wealth of the land will allow you to discover uncommon species such as orchids, baobabs, palms, ravenala, jasmine of Madagascar or succulent plants.

Jasmine of Madagascar

The jasmine of Madagascar (or stephanotis floribunda) is native to the undergrowth of the island. It has a ceremonial symbolism associated with conjugal happiness. As a bride or groom crown, as garland or as wedding vine, it is the lucky charm of the couple. You can smell its sweet perfume during your hikes in the forest.

ravenala arbre du voyageur madagascar plante endémique

Ravenala, the traveler’s tree

Endemic species of the island, it is also the only species of this kind. Today, it is the symbol of the country, you’ll find it especially on the coins, and the Air Madagascar logo. If you feel the soul of an adventurer, you can extract with a machete and drink the sap of the Ravenala. Abundant and tasty, it will feast your hikes in the wood.

mangrove plante endémique madagascar

The mangrove

The mangrove is a typical vegetation formation of tropical marshy coasts subjected to alternating tides. You can roam it on the west coast of the island. It is a place no to be missed because the mangroves of Madagascar are among the most representative ecological formations of planetary biodiversity.

découverte plantes endémiques madagascar foret

Go to discover the endemic plants of Madagascar

Want to discover the richness and diversity of Malagasy flora? Two options are available: you can be accompanied by a guide, on tour or individually, or go solo in the national parks of the island, especially that of Marojejy which counts no less than 102 species of orchids !